Tourist attractions

Jindřišské skály na Strašidlech – Natural rock formations suitable for hiking.
Čedičový lom Hřebečná – A unique geological location.
Propadlina dolu Červená jáma – A historical mining sinkhole with a unique atmosphere.
Důl Mauritius – A historic mine open to the public.
Perninské rašeliniště – A nature reserve with unique flora and fauna.
Štola C1 Jáchymov – A historical adit accessible to visitors.
Muzeum Královská mincovna Jáchymov – A museum dedicated to the history of coinage.
Mrtvý rybník – A picturesque spot for walks and relaxation.
Landmarks in Horní Blatná

Muzeum Horní Blatná – A museum dedicated to the history of mining and life in Krušné hory.
Přírodní památka Vlčí jámy – Explore this unique natural monument, a remnant of tin mining, where snow can be found in the rock crevice even in summer.
Rozhledna na Blatenském vrchu – Offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape and has a refreshment stand.
Jindřišské skály – Ideal place for discovering natural beauty, with the possibility of rock climbing with your own equipment.
Vavřincova lavička – An XXL bench on the way to Blatenská lookout tower.
Sáňkařská dráha z Blatenského vrchu – A fun winter activity for the whole family.
Retenční nádrž –A swimming pool in Horní Blatná.
Restaurants and Cafés

Renowned steak restaurant.
Koliba u medvěda
Traditional Czech dishes in a cozy atmosphere.
Donáška jídla z Potůček – Stodola Grill-Pizza
Option to order food directly to the chalet.
Hokynářství a kavárna u paní Barbory
Visiting this shop is like a journey back to the First Republic.

Including a convenience store with extended opening hours.
Infocentrum in the historic town hall
Open to visitors, offering information about the region.
Other activities

Located 17 km away, offering pools and wellness facilities.
Horský statek, biosýry, řeznictví a mlékárna v Abertamech
Located 6 km away, offering high-quality local food products.
Badegärten Eibenstock
Located 27 km away, indoor pool and in Germany.
Options include near the Horní Blatná koupaliště Horní Blatná, vodní nádrž Lesík, vodní nádrž Přebuz, aquapark Jáchymov, Děpoltovický rybník, Velký rybník Hroznětín, rybník Šindelová – Tajch, přehrada Tatrovice, přírodní koupaliště Bílá voda, zatopený kaolinový lom Jimlíkov, zatopený lom Podlesí, lom Otovice, bazén Alžbětiny Lázně, rybník Velká Anna.
Sport activities

Available directly at the chalet.